
Online blackjack beginners’ best methods, approaches, and shortcuts

Blackjack is a common table game seen in casinos. It’s easy to learn, fun to play, and may potentially be profitable if you stick to a few basic strategies.

Just pretend you’re 12 or 13 and balance on your hands.

Most inexperienced players in blackjack would keep drawing cards if their initial hand totalled 12 or 13. This, however, is a major omission. Blackjack is a game with fixed odds, and you must be aware of this fact. You know that your own hand value is either 12 or 13, but you know nothing about the dealer’s hand other what is shown on the upcard. As the card he is now holding face down has the same value as jacks, queens, and kings, we may safely assume that his most likely starting hand consists of these cards.

When a player has this knowledge, betting on numbers as low as 12 is in their best benefit. It’s a fair bet that the dealer will go broke if they take a card, therefore there’s no need in taking that risk yourself. Standing on any hand over 11 against a weak beginning card from the dealer is the ideal long-term approach, despite the fact that there is always a risk the dealer will not go beyond 21 and you will wind up losing the hand. Nevertheless, this rule may be disregarded if you already own a suitable pair. If these numbers are already too much to take in, we recommend downloading a blackjack strategy chart and reading our article on the many terms used in the game of blackjack. You may find both of these materials on our website.

Don’t break tens.

One of the most crucial things you can do to improve your chances of winning in blackjack is to raise the number of chips you have on the table whenever you get the chance to do so. One way to do this is to split when you already have a pair. You can follow the Top Litecoin Blackjack Games there.


It is because to the fact that novices may get a blackjack or at least two high final hands by repeatedly splitting tens, this strategy is often overused. Even if it’s possible to divide tens and you’d end up with twice as much money, you should never do so.

Even if the dealer is showing a weak card, like a five, you should never split tens. You don’t need to increase your bet in case the dealer wins the pot since your hand is already quite strong (20). You should stop attempting to enhance your hand since you probably already have the finest one.

Raise your wager by 100% if you have 11 or better

The “double down” approach may increase the amount of money in play at the most advantageous time. This means that when you get your first two cards, you have the opportunity to increase your wager by a factor of two before receiving your third card. If your first two cards add up to 11, you should double down no matter what the dealer shows you unless he or she also has an ace. If you are currently holding 11, the next card you are dealt has a high probability of being a 10, bringing your final hand total to 21. Perfect. Whether you hit an eight or a nine, your final hand total will be either 19 or 20.